
by Rev. Joseph Cacella, 1947
Intention: Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Intention: Greater love and appreciation for the Rosary
Intention: The True Peace of Christ
Intention: Relief for the Souls in Purgatory
Intention: Salvation of Souls
Intention: Purity of Body and Soul
Intention: Forgiveness of Sin
Intention: Conversion of Russia
Intention: The Spiritual Welfare of our Children
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Intention: Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus, Our Lady of Fatima, inspire me to grieve sincerely for the sins that weigh heavily upon the souls of men. Sorrowfully I recall the bitter and harsh punishments heaped upon thy Divine Son, when He was cruelly scourged at the pillar, unmercifully crowned with thorns. I recall His sad journey to Calvary, His Crucifixion, and ignominious death on the cross. Yet, they were but the instruments of pain. It was my sins that really caused His Precious Blood to be shed. His excessive love willed that He should suffer for my salvation. Thus, I will give my little love to make amends and atone for a thoughtless and unappreciative world.
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, you who suffered, and shared with Him each pain caused and inflicted by our sins, intercede for us that we may be privileged to unite our hearts with yours in an effort to make reparation for our sins, and the sins of ungrateful mankind. Amen.
Our Lady of Fatima inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, you who suffered, and shared with Him each pain caused and inflicted by our sins, intercede for us that we may be privileged to unite our hearts with yours in an effort to make reparation for our sins, and the sins of ungrateful mankind. Amen.
Intention: Greater love and appreciation for the Rosary
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary Queen of the most holy Rosary, teach us to love those little
beads. In every trial, tribulation and sorrow they have been a source of comfort to all who
trust in you. We are happy in the possession of our Rosaries. May your Rosary, O Immaculate Heart of Mary, ever strengthen us in all our weaknesses, be our peace in time of affliction,
comfort in all matters of doubt, courage in time of temptation, and a source of consolation throughout all our days on this earth. May it be a strong influence on us in success or in
failure. In all things, may we live in peaceful union with thee through the medium of
thy Rosary. Amen.
Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of the Rosary, inflame our hearts with the love of reparation.
Intention: The True Peace of Christ
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Jesus and Our Mother, we pray that the
hope and promise made by you at Fatima will soon be realized. Our friends and family made the supreme sacrifice, and our loved ones languished in the horror and hardships that came
upon a world at war. We know it is your ardent wish and desire that there be peace in
the world, and it is only through Reparation to your Immaculate Heart that such can be
accomplished. You have told us your wish in the Message of Fatima: Reparation through
the Rosary and the practice of the First Saturdays. We beg of you. Oh Mary Immaculate,
that, through your pleadings, our prayers and example may show the world the road to
the true peace which the world itself cannot give. Bless, we beseech thee, our country,
and inspire us and our leaders to receive, understand, and promote that glorious Message
delivered by you at Fatima.
Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Peace, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.
Intention: Relief for the Souls in Purgatory
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother most merciful, to thee do we plead the
cause of the poor suffering souls in purgatory, especially those most abandoned.
In obedience to thy request at Fatima, we beg for their relief. Oh Mother most
merciful, we ask thee to lessen their toll of expiation. Deign to accept our humble
prayers and sacrifice in reparation and payment for the punishment that is due
from them. We pray that through the treasures of your Divine Son, your own special
merits, and those of the saints, that God may be mindful of our prayers on behalf
of the suffering souls in Purgatory, and bring them into His Kingdom to love and
serve Him forever. Amen.
Our Lady of Fatima, Mother most merciful, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.
Intention: Salvation of Souls
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Virgin most powerful, we know that the vision of the
terrible fires of hell which you showed to the three little shepherd children at Fatima,
was really meant for us. We beseech thee, Oh Mother Mary, to spare us the fate of a
judgment that ordains such a punishment. Grant unto us a faith so strong that we
may ever realize that the evil of sin will be justly repaid with eternal punishment. I
believe in the Infinite Justice of the one true God and the Infinite Love of the Father,
Son, and Holy Ghost. We pray and beseech thee that through your intercession
we may be given the grace to live so worthy a life on earth, as to enjoy the reward of
eternal happiness in the kingdom of thy Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Our Lady of Fatima, Virgin most powerful, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.
Intention: Purity of Body and Soul
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Virgin most pure, have compassion on those who are
prone to the allurements of impurity. Give us, we beseech thee, strength to overcome our weaknesses, and courage in the struggle against sin. We know it is your ardent wish that
we renew our pledge of holy purity. Oh, Immaculate Heart of Mary, we consecrate to
thee here and now, without reserve, our eyes, ears, tongues, hearts--our whole beings.
We promise that, with thy help, we shall be steady in our purpose to serve thee with
undefiled chastity. Give us the courage to resist all temptations, and to avoid all things
that may be the occasion of sin.
Our Lady of Fatima, Virgin most pure, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.
Intention: Forgiveness of Sin
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Refuge of Sinners, to whom else will we turn in our
sorrow for sin, if not to thee. From whom shall we find comfort and consolation, in
the shame of our sins, except from thee? Lead us back, dear Mother of Love, to the
path of righteousness that leads to the Sacred Heart of thy Divine Son. We have sinned
often, oh dear Mother, and the remembrances of the errors of our ways trouble
us. It shall be no more. We know that thy protecting care will find peace and hope
for us, and the remission of our sins. We know too that as with Mary Magdalene of
old, thy Son shall welcome us with a loving smile, because you have always pleaded
for us. Amen.
Our Lady of Fatima, Refuge of sinners, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.
Intention: Conversion of Russia
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Refuge of the human race, you have given unto us
the means of destroying the menace of atheism and godless communism. Your Promise
of conversion for those unfortunate victims of those false beliefs, has instilled joy and
hope into the nations of the earth. We grieve for those war-torn, homeless and persecuted
people who are victims of such mundane ideology. Grant, we beseech thee. Oh Mother,
that peace may come to those separated from thy Son by error and discord. We fail, if
we heed not thy Message of Fatima. We know thy wishes, and therefore we promise to
make Reparation to thy Immaculate Heart through the Rosary and the Five First Saturdays,
that Russia again may hear the word of God, and keep it.
Our Lady of Fatima, Refuge of the human race, inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.
Intention: The Spiritual Welfare of our Children
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Infant Babe of Bethlehem, and Our Mother, enkindle in our hearts the spark of youthful innocence. We know of thy great love for little children. It was to innocent children that you deigned to appear, revealing the Message of
Fatima, and charging them with its propagation. We know no better way to show our
regard for them, dear Mother, than to offer our prayers for all children everywhere.
Therefore, O Mother dear, we ask thee to watch over all children in all parts of the world, to guard and protect their homes, to preserve the schools wherein they learn, and to keep them from being tainted with godless education. Direct them in their play and in all their works, that they may grow in age, wisdom, and the love of God. Grant too, Blessed Mother, that the prayers of our children may hasten the end of all wars of carnage and devastation and grant unto this world an era of just and lasting peace. We pray that the world may return to Jesus, thy Son, through Reparation to thy Immaculate Heart.
Our Lady of Fatima, we beseech thee to inflame our hearts with the love of Reparation.
Therefore, O Mother dear, we ask thee to watch over all children in all parts of the world, to guard and protect their homes, to preserve the schools wherein they learn, and to keep them from being tainted with godless education. Direct them in their play and in all their works, that they may grow in age, wisdom, and the love of God. Grant too, Blessed Mother, that the prayers of our children may hasten the end of all wars of carnage and devastation and grant unto this world an era of just and lasting peace. We pray that the world may return to Jesus, thy Son, through Reparation to thy Immaculate Heart.
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